In the Bible God is mentioned under various names: Elohim, Adonai, Yahweh, etc. and depending on the used Name, we (...)
Thursday 14 September 2023, by terrificator
MAGIC INFLUENCES The word "Magic" comes from the greek "magos" and latin "magus", term from Iranian origin for priest. Origins of (...)
Tuesday 5 September 2023, by terrificator
TALISMAN AND MAGIC A book greatly influenced the occult sciences untill the times of the Rebirth: the Picatrix which was the the latin (...)
Friday 1 September 2023, by terrificator
WHEN NOSTRADAMUS CHANGED THE COURSE OF HISTORY All famous politicians of great influence, even if they want to hide it, have their astrologer or (...)
Monday 12 September 2022, by terrificator
HUMAN FUNDAMENTALS AND BAPHOMET The old indo-european, assyrian, egyptian, greek, roman, celt, merovingian... worships proceeded from the same (...)
Wednesday 15 June 2022, by terrificator
LOA, GUEDE, VOODOO AND MAGIC Loa who are adored in Haiti and in the Caribbean Islands are voodoo gods. Voodoo generally carries the image of (...)
Wednesday 30 March 2022, by terrificator
PYTAGORAS, UNIVERSAL AND MAGICIAN! Pytagoras is universal and cannot be reduced to the theorem we learned at school...
Tuesday 29 March 2022, by terrificator
ECOLOGY AND OCCULT In the past, the Chineses has a supreme art named Feng-Shui, Feng indicating the wind and Shui the water. And so, (...)
Sunday 20 March 2022, by terrificator
DIRECT VOICES Texts of Antiquity already mentionned voices heard during occultist meetings. Obviously, they did not belong to (...)
Thursday 17 March 2022, by terrificator
COMMUNICATING WITH THE DEADS There is an unexplored world full of incredible weird which is accessible to everybody: the communication with the (...)
Monday 14 March 2022, by terrificator
Thursday 14 September 2023, by terrificator
MAGIC INFLUENCES The word "Magic" comes from the greek "magos" and latin "magus", term from Iranian origin for priest. Origins of (...)
Tuesday 5 September 2023, by terrificator
TALISMAN AND MAGIC A book greatly influenced the occult sciences untill the times of the Rebirth: the Picatrix which was the the latin (...)
Friday 1 September 2023, by terrificator
WHEN NOSTRADAMUS CHANGED THE COURSE OF HISTORY All famous politicians of great influence, even if they want to hide it, have their astrologer or (...)
Monday 12 September 2022, by terrificator
HUMAN FUNDAMENTALS AND BAPHOMET The old indo-european, assyrian, egyptian, greek, roman, celt, merovingian... worships proceeded from the same (...)
Wednesday 15 June 2022, by terrificator
LOA, GUEDE, VOODOO AND MAGIC Loa who are adored in Haiti and in the Caribbean Islands are voodoo gods. Voodoo generally carries the image of (...)
Wednesday 30 March 2022, by terrificator
PYTAGORAS, UNIVERSAL AND MAGICIAN! Pytagoras is universal and cannot be reduced to the theorem we learned at school...
Tuesday 29 March 2022, by terrificator
ECOLOGY AND OCCULT In the past, the Chineses has a supreme art named Feng-Shui, Feng indicating the wind and Shui the water. And so, (...)
Sunday 20 March 2022, by terrificator
DIRECT VOICES Texts of Antiquity already mentionned voices heard during occultist meetings. Obviously, they did not belong to (...)
Thursday 17 March 2022, by terrificator
COMMUNICATING WITH THE DEADS There is an unexplored world full of incredible weird which is accessible to everybody: the communication with the (...)
Monday 14 March 2022, by terrificator