29 March 2022 14:45 0 messages
Our world of today is suffering from Manicheism. Manicheism is a doctrine based on the coexistence of the two opposite principles which are Good and Bad. The vision of our modern world is thus centered on these two poles which are facing permanently. All is good or all is wrong...
For centuries, this dualism has been built for reassuring human being while defining limits. And in case something or somebody is not completely good or bad, interesting or uninteresting… we are undeceived.. and suddenly lost. Creating borders for all things reassure men and are the motor of Western civilizations. Manicheism puts labels on all and about all.
This vision of the world confines human beings to have a narrow view, to foresee only fragments of truth that they arrange to create… their truth. People partitioned their thoughs in the same way they partitioned/divided the world because they believe that division could contribute to a better understanding of the world which surrounds them. In reality men increase their misunderstanding.
Humanity has to be understood in his universality not by fragments.
It is used to say currently that this one is a math student, this other one he is a scientist, that one still he is an artist, another one he is a mystic, a religious and so on… We put people in boxes with sticked labels which are always incomplete, when sometimes they are not totally false. And when suddendy unpredicted events happen which disturb their reality, simply men turn the head or are upset and lost.
Let us take the case of the famous Pytagoras character that throughout the world everyone knows through his famous theorem learn at school. In mathematics, the Pythagorean theorem is a relation in Euclidean geometry among the three sides of a right triangle. With this definition all things seem to be said about Pytagoras, isn’t ? Well, everyone believes to know Pytogoras: he was a famous mathematician during the ancient world. Mathematician? Are you sure?
Why not the most famous magician?
Indeed so good magician he was that even he inspired through centuries some great sorcers and magicians as Cornelius Agrippa and he was at the basis of the redaction of the Cabbala for the mystic of numbers.
Phytogoras was born in Samos island (Greece) towards 580. Avid of knowledge, he travelled along in Egypt, Chaldea, Phoenicia, Persia and India where he learned astronomy, geometry, mystic and magician rites.
He started to preach in Crotona (Italy) where his speaches attracted many people and so he founded a community where he taught in the greatest secrecy. It was rather a kind of sect mid religious, mid political.
Thus, for making part of this community, various tests had to be undergone: during five years, you have to listen without speaking to the Great Master who was hidden behind a curtain. At this step, the disciples were named "those who listen to".
The following step led the elected ones to "mathematicians", i.e. those who work according the true knowledge, (the "mathema"). At this step, the disciples could speak and teach.
At last the elected ones arrived to the step of "physicians", i.e. those who study the phenomena of nature. It was forbidden to tell the name of the Great Master Pytagoras under pain of exclusion. The life rules were very strict: studies, prayers, frequent fasting, banishment of animals food and beans.
Phytagoricians believed in the immortality of the soul. Formerly they believed soul lived once near the Gods and that from now on it was captive of the human body which was its tomb. When the human body died, soul becomes free and finally separated after death and go into the Hades for purification, then it returns into the world for living into a new human or animal body.
As you see, really Pytagoras was far far away from the label of maths scientist that sticks to him and you imagine he was. In reality, at the same time he was a mystic, a rational, a scientist, an artist, a mad and a religious monk. He was fond of mathematics, astronomy, astrology and music.
He was also a philosopher who had the originality to seek for the truth about the organization of the world through the numbers. According Pytagoras, the numbers dominate and control our reality. All is number and the number is divine and harmony, it is the organizing principle of cosmos and for this principle, Pytagoras is at the basis of somes great inspired writings of the Cabbala.
Pytagoras is very far from the restricted vision teached at school through his theorem.
By diffusing Manicheism, human beings disavow and forget the universality of the man.
Think about! You had a mathematician, you discover now a magician and a religious!
At’s, we know that reality can be worse than your worst nightmare!
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