D 20 May 2011     H 14:46     A terrificator     C 0 messages

May 20th, 2011 - But just how strong is the influence of the planets?

The ancients worshiped their gods (stars) and wandering gods (planets). During the antic times, the cosmic religions were devoted to invisible energies and stellar powers. One made a distinction between the sun and the spirit of the sun. The first is adored as the carrier of life and the founder of order, in the same way as the moon which inspires by its phases the calendar order, also that one of the agricultural calendar and the cycles of growth.

Astronomy is based upon the observation of the sky and mainly the stars. It seems they were the Sumerians (8000 BC), -who later gave rise to the anciant civilization of Mesopotamia- who used before Egyptians mathematics to apply them to astronomy.

Indeed around 1000 before BC, Mesopotamian astronomers knew already all our visible planets. The myth of the Nibiru planet comes from their mythology: this planet should enter the solar system every 3600 years causing changes of the poles and other catastrophes. This phenomenon thus should reproduce in 250 to 300 years.

In another hemisphere 2000 years BC, in Peru, the Nazca culture developed the largest astronomical calendar that men ever drew. Their drawings are characterized by their size and their perfect proportions and in 1939, Doctor Kosok discovered that these giant signs corresponded to the largest book of astronomy in the world. This thesis was discussed but confirmed in 1976 by the German mathematician Maria Reich who set that they were the vestiges of a gigantic calendar including astronomical signs with a measuring unit of 1,30 m, in some cases the measures of length being able to indicate also the measure of time.

During the times, visible replaced invisible. That change corresponds to a failure of the magik and religious spirit. Unable to continue to support the tension of the sacred, the stupor facing the unknown who wrap them, men wanted to know all thing, to unveil the mysteries and to replace fear by certainty. They founded cities, created laws, orders their own universe at their image where all things become visible, therefore known and seizable and by extension, foreseeable.

Recently on May 11th, 2011, showed up again the theory of Raffaelle Bendanti (1893-1979), Italian, who was convinced that stars could predict earthquakes.

At his times, he was famous in Italy and more than 30 years after his death, he still continue to mark the mind with regard to the tremor of an earthquake which had to strike Roma on May 11th, 2011. Impassioned by cosmology, Raffaelle Bendandi thought to have discover a connection between the position of planets and the supervening of seisms.

Already at 10 years old, he was impassioned by astronomy and geophysics. According the newspaper the “Repubblica”, he should have predicted in 1914 a seism in Italy for January 13th, 1915. That day, an earthquake devastated the valley of Fucino, in the Abruzzi - not far from the epicentre of the devastator seism of Aquila in 2009. In 1923 he predicted a earthquake should hit at the centre of Italy on January 2 the following year – he was wrong only by two days: on January 4, the ground trembled. Raffaelle Bendandi became then “the man who predicted the seisms”. His notoriety was so great that he was ennobled by Benito Mussolini in 1927.

He has envisaged a seism in Italy for May 11, 2001 and that day, the city was surprisingly calm and a lot of shops were closed for "family reason" and also many roman employees were suddenly ill. On this date, the world newspapers told about the roman phenomenon and scoffed the superstitious italians. But the incredible happened, a little more on the west, in Spain. It is not very far from Roma. Nobody could speak about a stroke of luck because the event was the same day and only at a few hundred kilometers of Roma. It could not be said that he was wrong because due to the amplitude of 5,1 of the seism, the newsmen stopped their mockeries. Thus, knowing how to read stars, it seems possible to predict earthquakes.

Raffaelle Bendandi also had a theory which seems to join that one of the Sumerian planet Nibiru. He tried to explain the disappearance of Atlantis through some gravitational planet forces which would have caused a displacement of the poles, creating floods in some areas of the world and deserts in others. He determined that this cataclysm occurred around 10431 BC together with a second weaker cataclysm caused by other gravitational forces from planets around 2687 BC. According to him similar events should repeat themselves around 2521 AC.

And it is where his predictions and those ones of the Sumerians meet together, only with a difference of a few hundreds years.

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