D 3 February 2010     H 14:52     A terrificator     C 0 messages

Feb.3, 2010 - It is commonly admitted that artists being more sensitive than the other people, appear often rather intuitive through their art, if not in some cases definitively clearsighted and precursor before science itself (by ex.: J.Vernes).

Nowadays, a main questioning runs around the world through the media:
"Is there a new age of glaciation or a warming of temperature,either a simple rise or a fall, or mainly a future disaster?"

How finding an equilibrium in front of these announcements destabilizing all our certainties? Why not through the clearsightness of artists?

The case of Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1890-1937) attracted our attention. He was an American writter of fantastic novels, well appreciated in Europe, in the tradition of Edgar Poe. But at the contrary of Poe, there is no macabre in his novels, only fantastic which can appear in some cases disturbing if not premonitary.

In one of his novels "All the Mountains of Madness" (1931), he told the story of scientists who discovered that Antartica was at first a tropical area: "... In some of these sandstones, blowed up with dynamite and removed with chisel after a drilling has revealed their real nature, we found some fossilized traces and pieces of great interest -such as ferns, algae... gastropoda... all testimonies of the main history of the region..." And so Lovecraft wrote in 1931 that a nonglacial period happened in Antartica.

18 years later, in 1949, an american team of scientists drilled in Antartica. The Byrd’s team showed that a moderate climate existed 4000 years B.C., i.e. 6000 years from our period. Amyral Byrd confirmed this geological state by the ionium method, and showed the presence of a moderate climate on a part of this continent.

Clearsightness of Lovecraft or simply clearsightness of an artist whose great sensitivity and intuition equaled the intelligence of scientists?

We can take profit of this learning, both fantastic and scientist: the conclusion was the South pole was free of ice rather 6 thousand years ago. And so, History told us that no certainty is stable and will remain. At once, the poles we know were not polar, they were tropical... Polar regions were thus localized in other parts of the world.

As a sphere turning on itself stays the world, combining perpetual revival and revolution.

For those who will retort that the number of years (6000) hide some devilries because there is 6 in it, we will answer that this does not announce necessary the reign of the Apocalyse. Far beyond, we will
retain that if 6 is considered as a sign of badness in the western culture, in other ones, as China, it is synonyn of luck. In the occult science of tarot, it is a mystery card meaning great trial.

From now on, the road which was right till now, is dividing in two. What direction to choose? It is mainly the Y of the Pythagoreans. 6 is associated at the same time to ternary and duality (3 X 2). It is time to live chosing to associate and not to compete.
From now on, the road which was right till now, is dividing in two. What direction to choose?

Time is coming to take crucial decision as well as the importance to follow the way of intuition.

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